Recent #Privacy news in the semiconductor industry
12/24/2024, 02:00 PM UTC
如果我是英特尔CEO,我会怎么做?What would you do if you were the CEO of Intel?
➀ 英特尔在技术宣布中转向更加透明的策略;➁ 英特尔PowerVia与台积电Super Power Rail之间的竞争;➂ 安迪·格鲁夫保持‘适度忧虑’的哲学。➀ Intel's shift to a more transparent strategy in technology announcements; ➁ The competition between Intel's PowerVia and TSMC's Super Power Rail; ➂ Andy Grove's philosophy of maintaining a 'healthy amount of paranoia'.
12/24/2024, 05:05 AM UTC
缅怀一位伟大的科技界人物:Gordon Mah UngWe Lost a Great One Gordon Mah Ung
➀ 文章缅怀了已故的科技记者Gordon Mah Ung;➁ 作者反思了Gordon对科技行业的影响以及未能表达感激的个人遗憾;➂ 作者提到表达感激的重要性以及家庭对胰腺癌研究的慈善关注。➀ The article commemorates the passing of Gordon Mah Ung, a respected technology journalist; ➁ The author reflects on the impact Gordon had on the technology industry and the personal regret of not expressing gratitude; ➂ The author mentions the importance of expressing gratitude and the family's philanthropic focus on pancreatic cancer research.
12/23/2024, 01:02 AM UTC
埃德嗅到欧洲的机会Ed Sniffs Euro-Wonga
➀ 埃德认为欧盟的‘ECS经纪’是一个鼓励英国技术人才获取欧洲资金的方法;➁ 他已经说服部门为研究人员、发明家、初创企业和中小企业参加这些活动提供预算;➂ 他正在探索斯肯索普量子利用欧洲发展基金的机会。➀ Ed sees the EU's 'ECS Brokerage' as a way to encourage UK techies to access European funds; ➁ He has convinced the Department to allocate a budget for researchers, inventors, startups, and SMEs to attend these events; ➂ He is exploring opportunities for Scunthorpe Quantum to benefit from European development funds.
12/21/2024, 05:45 AM UTC
声称发明比特币的男子面临牢狱之灾,因提出1200亿美元的疯狂诉讼Man who says he invented bitcoin faces prison, after filing an insane $1.2 TRILLION lawsuit
➀ 澳大利亚计算机科学家克雷格·赖特(Craig Wright)错误地声称自己发明了比特币,并被判藐视法庭。➁ 赖特对杰克·多西(Jack Dorsey)的公司Block的诉讼被驳回。➂ 赖特因撒谎和伪造文件,被判处一年监禁,缓刑两年。➀ Australian computer scientist Craig Wright falsely claimed to have invented Bitcoin and was sentenced for contempt of court. ➁ Wright's lawsuit against Jack Dorsey's company, Block, was dismissed. ➂ Wright was sentenced to a suspended one-year prison term for lying and forging documents.
12/19/2024, 08:39 PM UTC
CXL技术终于在2025年到来CXL is Finally Coming in 2025
➀ 计算表达式链接(CXL)技术预计将在2025年从利基市场转向主流应用;➁ CXL对内存扩展的支持是主要驱动力,现在有各种服务器和内存解决方案可用;➂ CXL 2.0和未来的PCIe/CXL版本将实现更高级的应用,如交换和动态内存分配。➀ Compute Express Link (CXL) technology is expected to move from a niche to mainstream use in 2025; ➁ CXL's support for memory expansion is a significant driver, with various server and memory solutions now available; ➂ CXL 2.0 and future generations of PCIe/CXL will enable more advanced use cases like switching and dynamic memory allocation.
12/17/2024, 01:07 PM UTC
停止垃圾邮件和诈骗:创建一个私人在线身份Stop Spam and Scams: Create a Private Online Identity
➀ 在线分享个人信息的风险;➁ 诈骗电话和短信的危险;➂ 如何使用Surfshark的替代号码和替代ID工具保护您的隐私。➀ The risks of sharing personal information online; ➁ The dangers of scam calls and texts; ➂ How Surfshark's Alternative Number and Alternative ID tools can protect your privacy.
12/16/2024, 12:20 PM UTC
蔡崇信与埃隆·马斯克联手机器人C.C.Wei and Elon Musk hooking up on robots
➀ 蔡崇信与埃隆·马斯克正在合作开发多功能机器人;➁ 马斯克计划于2026年推出名为Optimus的多功能人形机器人;➂ 蔡崇信强调无人机和人工智能在水资源、电力等公用事业领域的应用的重要性。➀ C.C. Wei and Elon Musk are collaborating on multifunctional robots; ➁ Musk plans to launch a multifunctional humanoid robot named Optimus in 2026; ➂ Wei emphasizes the importance of drones and AI applications in utilities such as water and electricity provision.
12/13/2024, 02:15 PM UTC
英国在塑料电子领域的领先地位UK Leads In Plastic Electronics
➀ 英国在塑料电子领域是全球的领导者;➁ 曼德尔森勋爵强调了为行业制定路线图的重要性,以从尖端技术走向大众市场;➂ 斯旺西大学和威尔士印刷与涂覆中心参与开发使用塑料电子的新产品线。➀ The UK has been a global leader in the Plastic Electronics sector; ➁ Lord Mandelson emphasized the importance of a roadmap for the industry to move from cutting-edge to mass market; ➂ Swansea University and the Welsh Centre for Printing and Coating are involved in developing new product lines using plastic electronics.
12/13/2024, 09:18 AM UTC
利用人工智能实现更好的光伏材料Using AI to Achieve Better Photovoltaic Materials
➀ 卡尔鲁厄理工学院的研究人员通过人工智能和高通量合成找到了新的有机分子,以提高钙钛矿太阳能电池的效率。➁ 开发的策略可以应用于其他材料研究领域,如新型电池材料。➂ 该团队使参考太阳能电池的效率提高了2%,达到26.2%。➀ Researchers at KIT have found new organic molecules to improve the efficiency of perovskite solar cells with the help of AI and high-throughput synthesis. ➁ The strategy developed can be applied to other areas of material research, such as new battery materials. ➂ The team achieved a two percent efficiency increase for a reference solar cell, reaching 26.2 percent.
12/12/2024, 02:00 PM UTC
寓言:牛仔CEO的故事Fable: The Cowboy CEO
➀ 这位CEO以他的十加仑帽子和牛仔靴闻名,创立的公司收购了60多家电信公司,市值一度高达1860亿美元。➁ 在一个季度亏损的情况下,公司报告了138亿美元的净利润。➂ 他从公司借款4.08 亿美元来弥补保证金调用,最终违约,并在监狱中度过了13年。➀ The CEO, known for his ten gallon hats and cowboy boots, founded a company that acquired over 60 telecoms companies and had a peak market cap of $186 billion. ➁ In one quarter with a loss, the company reported a net profit of $1.38 billion. ➂ He borrowed $408 million from the company to cover margin calls and defaulted on the debt, spending 13 years in jail.
12/10/2024, 12:46 PM UTC
Crypto Quantique升级Quarklink IoT以支持后量子密码学Crypto Quantique upgrades Quarklink IOT for PQC
➀ 慧荣科技升级其QuarkLink IoT平台,采用混合后量子密码学算法;➁ 该平台将嵌入式设备中实施安全功能的时间和成本降低至最多10倍;➂ 混合密钥封装机制结合了X25519与Kyber(ML-KEM)算法,既可应对现有攻击,也能为未来量子计算机威胁提供保护。➀ Crypto Quantique has upgraded its QuarkLink IoT platform with a hybrid post-quantum cryptographic algorithm; ➁ The platform reduces the time and expense of implementing security functions in embedded devices by up to 10X; ➂ The hybrid key encapsulation mechanism combines X25519 with Kyber (ML-KEM) for both current and future security.
12/09/2024, 03:51 PM UTC
英特尔Arc B580在早期基准测试中与RTX 4060和RX 7600交锋 —— B580在OpenCL和Vulkan工作负载中比A580快30%Intel Arc B580 trades blows with the RTX 4060 and RX 7600 in early benchmarks — B580 beats A580 by up to 30% in OpenCL and Vulkan workloads
➀ 英特尔Arc B580在早期基准测试中比其前代产品A580快30%以上;➁ 基准测试在OpenCL和Vulkan API上完成;➂ Arc B580的价格低于RTX 4060,但性能快10%。➀ Intel's Arc B580 outperforms its predecessor, A580, by up to 30% in early benchmarks; ➁ The benchmarks were conducted across the OpenCL and Vulkan APIs; ➂ The Arc B580 is 10% faster than the RTX 4060 at a lower price point.
12/09/2024, 06:30 AM UTC
英国原子能署和布里斯托尔大学开发出首枚碳-14钻石电池UKAEA and Bristol University make first carbon-14 diamond battery
➀ 英国原子能署和布里斯托尔大学的研究人员共同开发出世界上首个碳-14钻石电池;➁ 该电池利用放射性同位素碳-14产生,具有数千年的潜在寿命;➂ 该技术可应用于医疗设备和极端环境,提供数十年的连续电源。➀ Scientists and engineers from UKAEA and the University of Bristol have created the world's first carbon-14 diamond battery; ➁ The battery leverages the radioactive isotope carbon-14 to produce a diamond battery with a potential lifespan of thousands of years; ➂ The technology could be used in medical devices and extreme environments, providing continuous power for decades.
12/09/2024, 06:02 AM UTC
Farnell年终促销Farnell end-of-year sale
➀ 慧荣科技全球宣布在EMEA地区推出测试与工具(T&T)产品的年终促销活动;➁ 该促销活动包括广泛测试与工具产品的显著折扣;➂ 促销活动将于2025年1月31日结束。➀ Farnell Global has announced end-of-year offers on Test & Tools (T&T) products across the EMEA; ➁ The sale includes significant discounts on a wide range of T&T products; ➂ The promotional period ends on January 31, 2025.
12/06/2024, 01:23 PM UTC
被暗杀的联合健康CEO涉嫌使用AI拒绝患病者保险Assassinated UnitedHealthcare CEO allegedly used AI to deny sick people coverage
➀ 一项集体诉讼指控联合健康保险公司使用一个有缺陷的算法拒绝患者保险,由两名现已去世的个人提起。➁ 联合健康保险公司首席执行官布莱恩·汤普森本周在曼哈顿中城被杀,嫌疑人目前仍在逃。➂ 诉讼声称联合健康保险公司促使员工使用一个错误率约为90%的算法来拒绝保险。➀ A class-action lawsuit alleges that UnitedHealthcare uses a faulty algorithm to deny patient coverage, filed by two now-deceased individuals. ➁ UnitedHealthcare CEO Brain Thompson was killed in Midtown Manhattan earlier this week, and the suspect is currently on the run. ➂ The lawsuit claims UnitedHealthcare pushed employees to use an algorithm with a 90% error rate to deny coverage.
12/05/2024, 08:53 AM UTC
首个可编程连接模块First Programmable Connectivity Module
➀ 本文讨论了首个可编程连接模块,这是电子行业的一项重大发展;➁ 可能探讨了其功能和潜在应用;➂ 该模块可能与连接技术方面的进步有关,影响游戏、人工智能和汽车等各个领域。➀ The article discusses the first programmable connectivity module, a significant development in the electronics industry; ➁ It likely explores its features and potential applications; ➂ The module could be related to advancements in connectivity technology, impacting various sectors such as gaming, AI, and automotive.
12/04/2024, 07:06 AM UTC
埃隆·马斯克再次对OpenAI发难,阻止其盈利化转型Elon Musk launches new attack at OpenAI to prevent its much-wanted evolution
➀ 埃隆·马斯克对OpenAI及其CEO提起诉讼,阻止公司盈利化;➁ 马斯克认为OpenAI偏离了其原始的非盈利使命;➂ 案件将于1月在加利福尼亚州审理。➀ Elon Musk files an injunction against OpenAI and its CEO to prevent the company from becoming for-profit; ➁ Musk argues that OpenAI has deviated from its original non-profit mission; ➂ The case will be heard in January in California.
12/03/2024, 07:23 AM UTC
威廉·布克纳学院1月开设14个商业工程学士新课程14 New Study Programs in Bachelor of Business Engineering at Wilhelm Büchner Hochschule Starting January
➀ 威廉·布克纳学院将从1月份开始提供14个商业工程学士新课程;➁ 这些课程旨在为在职学生提供各自职业领域的进一步资格;➂ 课程涵盖了车辆技术、信息技术、塑料技术、人工智能、食品、物流、机电、医疗技术和工艺技术等多个主题。➀ Wilhelm Büchner Hochschule will offer 14 new study programs in Business Engineering starting from January; ➁ The programs aim to provide working students with further qualifications in their respective professional fields; ➂ The courses cover various topics such as vehicle technology, informatics, plastics technology, artificial intelligence, food, logistics, mechatronics, medical technology, and process technology.
12/02/2024, 06:00 PM UTC
Breker如何帮助解决RISC-V认证问题How Breker is Helping to Solve the RISC-V Certification Problem
➀ RISC-V核心的兴起和认证的挑战;➁ Breker验证系统在认证过程中的作用;➂ 认证RISC-V ISA实现的复杂性以及RISC-V国际组织的努力。➀ The rise of RISC-V cores and the challenges of certification; ➁ The role of Breker Verification Systems in the certification process; ➂ The complexity of certifying RISC-V ISA implementations and the efforts of RISC-V International.
12/02/2024, 02:00 PM UTC
Sondrel新任CEO Ollie Jones访谈:专注客户至上,提供定制芯片高质量服务CEO Interview: Ollie Jones of Sondrel
➀ Ollie Jones强调Sondrel以客户为中心,确保在交付定制芯片时提供高质量的个人服务;➁ Sondrel在欧洲 和以色列建立强大声誉后,将业务扩展到美国市场;➂ 公司通过为复杂的芯片设计提供定制服务来区分自己。➀ Ollie Jones emphasizes customer focus at Sondrel, ensuring high-quality personal service in custom chip delivery; ➁ Sondrel expands into the American market after establishing a strong reputation in Europe and Israel; ➂ The company differentiates itself by providing tailored services for complex chip designs.
12/02/2024, 10:12 AM UTC
黑色星期五之后,网络星期一:游戏显示器、AMD CPU、SSD、笔记本电脑等更多产品打折Gaming monitors, AMD CPUs, SSDs, laptops, and more discounted for Cyber Monday
➀ 亚马逊网络星期一提供大量PC游戏产品折扣;➁ AMD Ryzen 7 5700X CPU折扣高达59%;➂ 游戏显示器折扣高达48%➀ Cyber Monday on Amazon offers significant discounts on PC gaming items; ➁ AMD Ryzen 7 5700X CPU is 59% off; ➂ Gaming monitors up to 48% off
11/29/2024, 11:03 AM UTC
澳大利亚通过法律禁止16岁以下儿童使用TikTok、Instagram、Facebook和SnapchatAustralia passes law to ban under 16-year-olds from TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat
➀ 澳大利亚参议院通过了一项法律,禁止16岁以下的儿童使用TikTok和Instagram等社交媒体平台;➁ 该法律要求平台实施年龄验证;➂ 政府计划使用生物识别和行为数据进行年龄验证试验。➀ The Australian Senate has passed a law banning under 16-year-olds from using social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram; ➁ The law requires platforms to implement age verification; ➂ The government plans to use biometric and behavioral data for age verification trials.
11/23/2024, 10:19 AM UTC
您的免费试用Feed URL已于2024年11月23日星期六到期,请创建新的免费URL或升级订阅计划以获得持久URLYour trial feed URL has expired on Sat Nov 23, 2024
➀ 您的免费试用Feed URL已于2024年11月23日星期六到期;➁ 请免费创建新的URL或升级您的订阅计划;➂ 在<a href=""></a>获取持久URL➀ Your trial feed URL has expired on Sat Nov 23, 2024; ➁ Please create a new one for free or upgrade your subscription plan; ➂ Get a persistent URL at <a href=""></a>
11/18/2024, 06:45 AM UTC
iPhone用户报告:手机随机响起他人声音iPhone users report hearing people's voices randomly coming from their phone
➀ iPhone用户反映,即使在关闭所有应用的情况下,手机也会随机响起他人声音;➁ 这种现象在没有后台运行应用的情况下发生;➂ 目前官方尚未对此现象给出解释。➀ iPhone users are reporting hearing random voices from their smartphones; ➁ The voices come from the phone even when all apps are closed; ➂ No official explanation has been provided for the phenomenon.
10/31/2024, 01:00 PM UTC
PQShield用领导休闲室揭开量子加密的神秘面纱PQShield Demystifies Post-Quantum Cryptography with Leadership Lounge
➀ PQShield通过一系列视频解释量子加密(PQC);➁ 讨论了NIST PQC标准及其重要性;➂ 提供了PQC实施和挑战的见解。➀ PQShield explains Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) in a series of videos; ➁ Discusses the NIST PQC standards and their importance; ➂ Provides insights into the implementation and challenges of PQC.
10/24/2024, 12:00 PM UTC
谷歌或采用台积电N3E工艺替代2nm制造Tensor G6[News] Google Reportedly Adopts TSMC’s N3P Process instead of 2nm for Tensor G6
➀ 据传闻,谷歌将采用台积电的N3E工艺制造Tensor G5;➁ 报告还明确指出,谷歌没有选择为Tensor G6使用2nm技术;➂ 这一举措可能影响AI和智能手机芯片市场的竞争。➀ Google is rumored to switch to TSMC's N3E process for Tensor G5; ➁ The report also clarifies that Google has chosen not to use 2nm technology for Tensor G6; ➂ The move could impact the competition in the AI and smartphone chip markets.
10/23/2024, 06:03 AM UTC
网络安全研究员发现10万份联合国文件泄露100,000+ United Nations documents exposed by cybersecurity researcher
➀ 网络安全研究员发现超过10万份与联合国相关的文件;➁ 文件包含财务报告和敏感个人信息;➂ 研究员报告了这一问题,第二天数据库访问权限被限制。➀ A cybersecurity researcher discovered over 100,000 UN-associated documents; ➁ The documents contained sensitive information such as financial reports and personal data; ➂ The researcher reported the issue, and access was restricted the next day.
10/16/2024, 01:00 PM UTC
移动LLM不只是技术。实际应用案例才是关键Mobile LLMs Aren ’t Just About Technology. Realistic Use Cases Matter
➀ 谷歌正在探索在移动设备上运行大型语言模型(LLM)的可行性;➁ 谷歌在移动设备上优化LLM的技术;➂ 移动设备上LLM实际应用案例的重要性➀ Arm is exploring the feasibility of running LLMs on mobile devices; ➁ Arm's optimization techniques for LLMs on mobile; ➂ The importance of practical use cases for LLMs in mobile devices
10/15/2024, 05:00 PM UTC
电子束探测:7nm以下集成电路安全分析的新守护者Electron Beam Probing: The New Sheriff in Town for Security Analyzing of Sub- 7nm ICs with Backside PDN
➀ 电子束探测(EBP)已成为分析7nm以下集成电路安全性的有效方法。 ➁ 它比光学探测具有更高的空间分辨率,适用于7nm以下的倒装芯片和先进的三维架构。 ➂ 研究重点在于EBP在故障分析和硬件保证中的重要性。➀ Electron Beam Probing (EBP) has become a powerful method for security analyzing of sub-7nm ICs. ➁ It offers better spatial resolution than optical probing and is suitable for sub-7nm flip-chips and advanced 3D architectures. ➂ The research focuses on the importance of EBP in failure analysis and hardware assurance.
10/13/2024, 09:02 PM UTC
宝可梦开发商GameFreak确认黑客攻击,对信息泄露表示道歉Pokemon developer GameFreak confirms hack, apologizes for leaks
➀ 宝可梦开发商GameFreak确认近期遭受黑客攻击并泄露信息;➁ 该攻击发生在2024年8月;➂ GameFreak已重建并重新检查服务器,以防止未来发生类似事件。➀ Pokemon developer GameFreak confirms a recent hack and leaks of information; ➁ The hack occurred in August 2024; ➂ GameFreak rebuilds and re-inspects the server to prevent future incidents.
10/09/2024, 04:25 AM UTC
谷歌回应Pixel智能手机每15分钟向谷歌服务器发送用户数据的指控Google responds to claims Pixel smartphones send private user data to Google every 15 minutes
➀ 谷歌对Pixel智能手机每15分钟向谷歌服务器发送用户数据的指控作出回应;➁ 谷歌反驳了这些指控,指出报告缺乏关键背景,误解了技术细节;➂ 谷歌强调,对Pixel设备来说,用户安全和隐私是首要任务。➀ Google responds to claims Pixel smartphones send private user data to Google every 15 minutes; ➁ Google refutes the claims, stating the report lacks crucial context and misinterprets technical details; ➂ Google emphasizes user security and privacy as top priorities for Pixel devices.
10/05/2024, 06:02 AM UTC
谷歌Pixel手机每15分钟向谷歌发送用户隐私数据Google Pixel smartphone busted sending private user data back to Google every 15 minutes
➀ 据报道,谷歌Pixel 9 Pro XL每15分钟向谷歌服务器发送用户隐私信息;➁ Cybernews的研究人员分析了Pixel 9 Pro XL的网页流量,发现存在发送隐私数据的情况;➂ 智能手机使用PII进行身份验证、配置和日志记录,引发了隐私担忧。➀ Google Pixel 9 Pro XL reportedly sends private user information back to Google servers every 15 minutes; ➁ Cybersecurity researchers at Cybernews analyzed the Pixel 9 Pro XL's web traffic and found private data being sent; ➂ The smartphone uses PII for authentication, configuration, and logging, raising privacy concerns.
09/30/2024, 02:27 AM UTC
微软回归最具争议的Windows AI功能,并加 强安全性Microsoft brings back its most controversial Windows AI feature, with beefed up security
➀ 微软将重新推出备受争议的Windows AI功能“回忆”;➁ 新版本强调安全和隐私;➂ “回忆”现在使用安全的VBS区域存储数据。➀ Microsoft is reintroducing its controversial Windows AI feature, Recall; ➁ The new version emphasizes security and privacy; ➂ Recall now uses a secure VBS Enclave to store data.
09/19/2024, 07:01 PM UTC
微软可能正在倾听:Windows 11中的广告关闭可能变得更简单Maybe Microsoft is listening: It looks like ads could get easier to turn off in Windows 11
➀ 微软使Windows 11中的广告管理变得更加容易;➁ 更新涉及设置应用中的新“推荐与优惠”页面;➂ 该变化旨在为用户提供更清晰的选项,以控制个性化的广告和推荐。➀ Microsoft has made it easier to manage ads in Windows 11; ➁ The update involves a new 'Recommendation & Offers' page in the Settings app; ➂ The change aims to provide clearer options for users to control personalized ads and recommendations.
09/02/2024, 08:04 AM UTC
Windows 11 新音频和视频搜索功能扫描并抓取系统媒体文件New Windows 11 audio and video search feature scans and scrapes your system's media files
➀ 微软在Windows 11预览版中引入'智能媒体搜索'功能;➁ 该功能扫描并转录媒体文件以进行语音搜索;➂ 目前尚不可用于测试,预计未来发布。➀ Microsoft introduces 'intelligent media search' in Windows 11 Insider Preview; ➁ Feature scans and transcribes media files for spoken word search; ➂ Currently unavailable for testing, future release expected.
08/15/2024, 01:23 AM UTC
黑客可能窃取了所有美国人的社会保障数据,约29亿条记录Hackers might have stolen social security data of ALL Americans, around 2.9 BILLION records
➀ 据报道,黑客窃取了所有美国人的社会保障号码;➁ 涉及29亿条记录;➂ 数据包括来自美国、英国和加拿大的个人信息。➀ Hackers have reportedly stolen Social Security numbers of all Americans; ➁ 2.9 billion records are involved; ➂ The data includes personal information from the US, UK, and Canada.
08/02/2024, 02:33 AM UTC
W3C对谷歌决定保留第三方Cookie表示失望W3C Expresses Disappointment Over Google's Decision to Retain Third-Party Cookies
1. 谷歌宣布不再废除第三方Cookie,W3C对此表示失望;2. W3C强调由于隐私问题和社会潜在危害,需要消除第三方Cookie;3. W3C对谷歌的决定表示遗憾,这可能会阻碍网络隐私和跨浏览器举措的进展。1. Google announced it will no longer abolish third-party cookies, prompting disappointment from W3C; 2. W3C emphasizes the need for third-party cookies to be eliminated due to privacy concerns and potential social harm; 3. W3C expresses regret over Google's decision, which could hinder progress in web privacy and cross-browser initiatives.
07/29/2024, 10:02 AM UTC
埃隆·马斯克和X的Grok AI现在抓取所有用户帖子,除非用户选择退出Elon Musk and X's Grok AI now scrapes every post from every user unless they opt out
1、埃隆·马斯克的Grok AI现在可以访问X上的所有用户帖子,除非用户选择退出。2、该AI使用来自社交媒体平台的大量数 据进行训练。3、用户可以通过在台式电脑上调整设置来选择退出数据抓取。1. Elon Musk's Grok AI now accesses all user posts on X unless users opt out. 2. The AI is trained using massive amounts of data from social media platforms. 3. Users can opt out of data scraping by adjusting settings on a desktop computer.
07/26/2024, 06:01 AM UTC
跑道公司因未经许可使用10万+YouTube视频进行AI训练被曝光Runway busted stealing 100,000+ YouTube videos for AI training
1、跑道公司,一家流行的AI视频生成器,未经许可使用数千YouTube视频训练其AI模型。2、该公司涉嫌使用盗版内容,违反了YouTube的服务条款。3、一份详细列出视频来源的电子表格被获取,揭示了大量使用来自主要新闻机构和个人创作者的内容。1. Runway, a popular AI video generator, used thousands of YouTube videos to train its AI model without permission. 2. The company reportedly used pirated content and violated YouTube's Terms of Service. 3. A spreadsheet detailing the sources of the videos was obtained, revealing extensive use of content from major news outlets and individual creators.
07/23/2024, 06:33 AM UTC
谷歌改变第三方Cookie禁用政策,宣布为Chrome浏览器添加新的隐私保护功能Google Reverses Course on Third-Party Cookie Ban, Announces New Privacy Protection Features for Chrome
1. 谷歌改变了禁止第三方Cookie的政策,转而宣布为Chrome浏览器添加新的隐私保护功能;2. 该公司最初计划在2022年废除第三方Cookie以保护用户隐私,但后来推迟到2024年下半年;3. 谷歌将添加一个新的隐私保护功能,允许用户根据整个网络浏览的信息做出选择,并随时更改,同时增强Chrome隐身模式下的IP保护功能。1. Google has reversed its stance on banning third-party cookies and will instead introduce new privacy protection features in Chrome; 2. The company initially aimed to abolish third-party cookies by 2022 for user privacy protection but later postponed it to the second half of 2024; 3. Google will add a new privacy protection feature that allows users to make informed choices about their web browsing and change them at any time, as well as enhance IP protection in Chrome's Incognito mode.
06/29/2024, 01:05 PM UTC
微软在Windows 11中未经授权自动开启OneDrive文件夹备份Microsoft caught turning on automatic OneDrive folder backup in Windows 11
1、微软在Windows 11中未经用户同意自动开启了OneDrive文件夹备份。2、这一改动影响桌面、图片、文档、音乐和视频等文件夹。3、用户可以通过OneDrive设置禁用此功能。1. Microsoft has enabled automatic OneDrive folder backup without user consent in Windows 11. 2. This change affects folders like Desktop, Pictures, Documents, Music, and Videos. 3. Users can disable this feature through OneDrive settings.