12/05/2024, 09:27 AM UTC
三星将改变iPhone使用的低功耗DRAM的封装方式Samsung to change packaging method of low-power DRAM used in iPhones
➀ 三星正在研究更改iPhone中使用的LPDDR封装方式;➁ 这一改变是应苹果的要求,将LPDDR集成电路转换为离散封装;➂ 新的封装将涉及将LPDDR单独封装。➀ Samsung is conducting research to modify the packaging method for the LPDDR used in iPhones; ➁ The change is in response to Apple's request to convert the LPDDR IC into a discrete package; ➂ The new packaging will involve packaging the LPDDR separately.---