02/27/2025, 09:26 AM UTC
海豚半导体为英伟达提供TSMC 22nm 工艺的高性能LDO稳压器,应用于英伟达IPC产品Dolphin Semiconductor Provides High-Performance LDO Regulators in TSMC 22nm to Ingenic for IPC Applications
➀ 海豚半导体宣布与中国高性能SoC设计领域的领军企业英伟达合作。
➁ 海豚半导体将为英伟达提供TSMC 22nm工艺的低 dropout (LDO) 稳压器,用于摄像头应用。
➂ 此合作加强了海豚半导体在电源管理IP解决方案中的可靠合作伙伴地位。
➀ Dolphin Semiconductor has announced a collaboration with Ingenic, a key player in high-performance SoC design in China.
➁ The company will provide Low Dropout (LDO) regulators in TSMC 22nm technology for camera applications.
➂ This collaboration reinforces Dolphin Semiconductor's position as a trusted partner in power management IP solutions.