10/31/2024, 07:58 PM UTC
任正非最新讲话:华为还在挣扎中Ren Zhengfei's Latest Speech: Huawei Struggles On
<p>➀ 任正非讨论了人工智能不可阻挡的发展趋势及其对劳动力市场的影响。</p><p>➁ 他强调开放创新和利用先进技术对企业的生存至关重要。</p><p>➂ 任正非分享了他的个人创业历程以及他对教育体系和世界文明交流的看法。</p><p>➀ Ren Zhengfei discusses the unstoppable trend of artificial intelligence and its impact on the labor market.</p><p>➁ He emphasizes the importance of open innovation and leveraging advanced technologies for a company's survival.</p><p>➂ Ren shares his personal entrepreneurial journey and views on the education system and world civilization exchange.</p>