10/25/2024, 09:51 AM UTC
英伟达是怎么挣钱的?How Does NVIDIA Make Money?
<p>➀ 2023年,英伟达总收入为609.22亿美元,毛利率高达72.7%,数据中心GPU市场份额98%。截至2024年10月6日,英伟达市值达到3.064万亿美元,全球市值排名第三。</p><p>➁ 英伟达的成功由三个维度驱动:产品深度、产品广度和销售渠道。公司持续扩展产品范围,整合新技术,优化产品供应。</p><p>➂ 英伟达已从一家PC图形芯片公司转变为提供关键垂直领域完整解决方案的公司,专注于“GPU+DPU+CPU”策略和数据中心产品。</p><p>➀ NVIDIA's total revenue in 2023 was $60.922 billion, with a gross margin of 72.7% and a 98% market share in the data center GPU market. As of October 6, 2024, NVIDIA's market value reached $3.064 trillion, ranking third globally.</p><p>➁ NVIDIA's success is driven by three dimensions: product depth, product breadth, and sales channels. The company continuously expands its product range, integrates new technologies, and optimizes its product offerings.</p><p>➂ NVIDIA has transformed from a PC graphics chip company to a provider of complete solutions for key vertical fields, focusing on the 'GPU+DPU+CPU' strategy and data center products.</p>