02/20/2025, 08:03 AM UTC
Arteris推出FlexGen革命性智能片上网络(NoC)互联IP, 革新半导体设计Arteris Revolutionizes Semiconductor Design with FlexGen – Smart Network-on-Chip IP
➀ Arteris公司推出革命性的NoC互联IP FlexGen;
➁ FlexGen能够加速芯片开发并优化性能效率;
➂ 该解决方案满足汽车、数据中心和消费电子领域对更快、更可持续创新的需求。
➀ Arteris, Inc. introduces FlexGen, a revolutionary NoC interconnect IP;
➁ FlexGen accelerates chip development and optimizes performance efficiency;
➂ The solution addresses the growing demand for faster and more sustainable innovation in the automotive, datacenter, and consumer electronics sectors.