11/06/2024, 02:35 AM UTC
全球最大半导体代工厂GlobalFoundries因未经授权的芯片运输被罚款50万美元GlobalFoundries Fined $500,000 for Unauthorized Chip Shipments
➀ 全球最大半导体代工厂GlobalFoundries因未经授权的芯片运输被美国工业和安全局(BIS)罚款50万美元;➁ 这些运输是向被列入黑名单的中国芯片制造商SMIC的子公司SJ半导体;➂ 该罚款是根据路透社报道的74起未经许可的运输,总价值为1710万美元而做出的。➀ GlobalFoundries has been fined $500,000 by the U.S. BIS for unauthorized shipments of chips; ➁ The shipments were to SJ Semiconductor, an affiliate of SMIC; ➂ The fine follows a Reuters report detailing 74 unlicensed shipments valued at $17.1 million.