08/20/2024, 06:26 PM UTC
SMA马达当记首功The SMA Motor: A Game-Changer in Smartphone Design
➀ SMA(形状记忆合金)马达的引入显著减小了智能手机摄像头模组的尺寸,使其更薄更紧凑。➁ 与传统马达相比,SMA马达具有更强的负载能力、更小的尺寸和更高的稳定性,非常适合高端智能手机摄像头。➂ 华为、小米和OPPO等主要品牌已采用该技术,表明智能手机行业正向SMA马达转变。➀ The introduction of SMA (Shape Memory Alloy) motors has significantly reduced the size of camera modules in smartphones, making them thinner and more compact. ➁ SMA motors offer stronger load capacity, smaller size, and higher stability compared to traditional motors, making them ideal for high-end smartphone cameras. ➂ The technology has been adopted by major brands like Huawei, Xiaomi, and OPPO, indicating a shift towards SMA motors in the smartphone industry.