08/14/2024, 07:51 PM UTC
大模型,不是消费电子的救星The Savior of Electronics
➀ 大模型并未成为消费电子市场的万能钥匙,许多AI集成设备未能兑现其承诺。➁ AI Pin和Rabbit R1等新兴硬件起初引发兴奋,但面临AI功能未完全实现和用户体验不佳的问题。➂ 智能眼镜和腕带等可穿戴设备显示出潜力,但仍在功能和生态系统发展上面临挑战。➀ Large models have not been the panacea for the consumer electronics market, as many AI-integrated devices have failed to deliver on their promises. ➁ Emerging hardware like AI Pin and Rabbit R1 initially sparked excitement but faced issues such as unfulfilled AI capabilities and poor user experiences. ➂ Wearable devices, including smart glasses and wristbands, show potential but still face challenges in functionality and ecosystem development.