09/14/2024, 05:33 PM UTC
SK Keyfoundry推出第四代BCD工艺,扩大专业代 工业务SK Keyfoundry Expands Specialty Foundry Business with Launch of Fourth-Generation BCD Process
➀ SK Keyfoundry作为SK Hynix的专责逻辑晶圆代工厂,宣布推出第四代180nm BCDMOS工艺;➁ 该新工艺旨在加强公司在功耗应用方面的技术能力;➂ 扩大专业代工业务是公司的一项战略举措。➀ SK Keyfoundry, a division of SK Hynix, announces the launch of its fourth-generation 180nm BCDMOS process; ➁ The new process aims to strengthen the company's technological capabilities in power-demanding applications; ➂ The expansion in specialty foundry business is a strategic move for the company.