08/17/2024, 06:38 PM UTC
关注EDA六大重要发展领域,成为一站式EDA及相关服务提供商Focusing on Six Key Areas of EDA Development to Become a One-Stop EDA and Related Services Provider
➀ 全球EDA行业通过并购整合实现发展,前三家公司占据市场主导地位。➁ 中国EDA市场竞争激烈,有超过120家本土公司,但缺乏全产业链和先进工艺支持能力。➂ 华大九天作为中国领先的EDA公司,正聚焦于六大关键领域:人工智能与EDA、Chiplet EDA、信息安全与EDA、数字孪生与EDA和IP,旨在成为全球顶尖的EDA企业。➀ The global EDA industry has seen significant consolidation through mergers and acquisitions, with the top three companies dominating the market. ➁ China's EDA market is highly competitive with over 120 local companies, but lacks full-chain and advanced process support capabilities. ➂ Huada Empyrean, the leading Chinese EDA company, is focusing on six key areas: AI and EDA, Chiplet EDA, information security and EDA, digital twin and EDA, and IP, aiming to become a global top EDA company.