10/28/2024, 02:07 PM UTC
Silvaco公司获得全面TCAD、EDA和IP产品套件的ISO 9001认证Silvaco Inc. Achieves ISO 9001 Certification for Comprehensive Suite of TCAD, EDA, and IP Products
➀ Silvaco集团宣布,其子公司Silvaco已获得ISO 9001认证;➁ 该认证涵盖了全面的TCAD、EDA和IP产品套件;➂ 该认证证明了Silvaco对质量管理与客户满意度的承诺。➀ Silvaco Group, Inc. announces that its subsidiary, Silvaco, has achieved ISO 9001 certification; ➁ The certification covers a comprehensive suite of TCAD, EDA, and IP products; ➂ The certification is a testament to Silvaco's commitment to quality management and customer satisfaction.