09/11/2024, 08:25 PM UTC
英飞凌引领全球首个300mm功率氮化镓(GaN)技术——行业变革者Infineon pioneers world’s first 300 mm power gallium nitride (GaN) technology – an industry game-changer
➀ 英飞凌成功开发出全球首个300mm氮化镓晶圆技术;➁ 该技术是行业的一次重大变革;➂ 英飞凌是全球首家掌握这一开创性技术的公司。➀ Infineon has developed the world's first 300mm GaN wafer technology; ➁ This technology is a game-changer for the industry; ➂ Infineon is the first to master this groundbreaking technology.