06/20/2024, 01:00 AM UTC
蓝珍珠软件在2024年设计自动化会议上的展示Blue Pearl Software at the 2024 Design Automation Conference
1、蓝珍珠软件庆祝其在2004年设计自动化会议上首次展示ASIC和FPGA静态验证解决方案20周年。2、Visual Verification Suite已发展成为提供ASIC、FPGA和IP RTL高级验证工具的套件,包括结构和形式化检查、约束生成以及针对毛刺和时钟域交叉的分析包。3、该套件还具有用于进度跟踪的管理仪表板,并与Accellera合作标准化CDC/RDC/Glitch意图捕获,解决了在不同验证环境中重用IP的挑战。1. Blue Pearl Software is celebrating 20 years since its first showcase of ASIC and FPGA static verification at the 2004 Design Automation Conference. 2. The Visual Verification Suite has evolved to offer advanced verification tools for ASIC, FPGA, and IP RTL, including structural and formal linting, constraint generation, and analysis packages for glitches and clock domain crossings. 3. The suite also features a Management Dashboard for progress tracking and has partnered with Accellera to standardize CDC/RDC/Glitch intent capture, addressing the challenge of IP reuse in different verification environments.---
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