12/12/2024, 10:49 AM UTC
联发科首次打入苹果供应链!取代英特尔为智能手表提供芯片!MediaTek Joins Apple's Supply Chain for the First Time, Replacing Intel in Smartwatch Chips!
➀ 苹果计划在2025年为智能手表加入卫星通讯和血压监测功能,吸引特定消费者升级。
➁ 苹果将部分智能手表的调制解调器芯片供应商由英特尔更换为联发科,认可其在调制解调器技术领域的强大实力。
➂ 这标志着联发科首次打入苹果主力硬件产品供应链,具有重要意义。
➀ Apple plans to add satellite communication and blood pressure monitoring to its smartwatches by 2025, targeting specific consumer upgrades.
➁ Apple will replace Intel with MediaTek as the supplier of modulator chips for some smartwatch models, recognizing MediaTek's technical strength in modulator technology.
➂ This marks MediaTek's first entry into Apple's main hardware product supply chain and is of significant importance.