10/09/2024, 11:05 AM UTC
朝鲜宣布永久切断并封锁与韩国交界的南部国境North Korea Announces Permanent Cut and Blockade of Southern Border with South Korea
➀ 朝鲜宣布永久切断并封锁与韩国的南部国境;➁ 该决定是对韩国和美国持续进行的军事演习和核威胁的回应;➂ 这项措施被视为维护国家安全的自卫行动。➀ North Korea announced the permanent severance and blockade of the southern border with South Korea; ➁ The decision comes in response to continuous military exercises and nuclear threats from South Korea and the U.S.; ➂ The measure is deemed a self-defense action to maintain national security.