07/01/2024, 01:00 PM UTC
EDA与芯片设计职业选择:解决困境Career in EDA Versus Chip Design: Solving the Dilemma
1、文章比较了芯片设计和EDA领域的职业,强调了作者从芯片设计转向领导Ansys应用工程团队的经历。2、概述了EDA职业的优势,包括技术曝光、跨团队合作、商业洞察、工作文化和行业稳定性。3、由于AI和机器学习领域对EDA工具的依赖增加,EDA的未来被视为光明。1. The article compares careers in chip design and EDA, highlighting the author's transition from chip design to leading an Application Engineering team at Ansys. 2. It outlines the advantages of an EDA career, including technical exposure, cross-team collaboration, business acumen, work culture, and industry stability. 3. The future of EDA is seen as bright due to the increasing reliance on EDA tools in areas like AI and Machine Learning.---