01/05/2025, 05:58 AM UTC
三星封装挑战:半导体巨头的兴衰Samsung's封装Challenge: The Rise and Fall of a Giant in Semiconductor Packaging
➀ 2022年初,三星试图进入半导体代工市场,但与台积电相比,在先进封装方面的弱点使其遭遇挑战。
➁ 三星积极招聘关键人才并投资先进封装技术,以追赶台积电。
➂ 尽管在封装技术方面取得早期进展,但由于缺乏投资和市场关注,三星难以保持其竞争优势。
➀ Samsung's ambition to enter the semiconductor foundry market in early 2022 was thwarted by its weaknesses in advanced packaging compared to TSMC.
➁ Samsung has been actively hiring key personnel and investing in advanced packaging technology to catch up with TSMC.
➂ Despite its early advancements in packaging technology, Samsung has struggled to maintain its competitive edge due to lack of investment and market focus.
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