10/04/2024, 06:35 PM UTC
晶圆代工三巨头:从纳米时代转战埃米时代Chipmaking Giants Transition from Nanometer to Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) Era
➀ 三大晶圆代工厂——英特尔、三星和台积电正在做出关键举措,为未来几代芯片技术吸引更多订单,并提高性能和缩短定制设计的交付时间;➁ 这三家巨头都在朝着同一个大方向前进,即采用3D晶体管和封装、一系列使能和扩展性技术,以及规模更大、更多样化的生态系统,但在方法论、架构和第三方支持方面存在一些关键性的差异;➂ 晶体管的扩展预计至少将持续到18/16/14埃米(1埃米等于0.1nm)的范围,可能从纳米片和forksheet FET开始,在未来的某个时间点出现互补FET(CFET)。➀ The top three wafer fabs, Intel, Samsung, and TSMC, are making key moves to attract more orders for future generations of chip technology and improve performance and reduce delivery times for custom designs; ➁ The three giants are heading in the same direction, adopting 3D transistors and packaging, a series of enabling and scalable technologies, and larger, more diverse ecosystems, but there are significant differences in methodology, architecture, and third-party support; ➂ The expansion of transistors is expected to last at least until the 18/16/14nm range, possibly starting with nanosheet and forksheet FETs and eventually leading to complementary FETs (CFETs).