10/14/2024, 07:27 AM UTC
格力减持闻泰科技股份!Gree Reduces Its Stake in Unigroup Weitang!
<p>➀ 格力电器及其一致行动人珠海融林计划减持闻泰科技股份,各不超过1242.81万股,减持期在公告发布后的15个交易日起的3个月内。</p><p>➁ 此减持计划将通过集中竞价交易方式进行,减持价格将根据市场情况而定。</p><p>➂ 格力电器与珠海融林自2018年底首次入股闻泰科技,以每股24.68元的价格出资30亿元,助力闻泰科技收购安世集团。这一投资为双方带来了显著收益,截至2020年,持仓市值合计接近220亿元。</p><p>➀ Gree Electric Appliances and its affiliate Zhuhai Ronglin plan to reduce their stake in Unigroup Weitang Technology, with each not exceeding 12.4281 million shares, within 3 months from the 15th trading day after the announcement.</p><p>➁ The reduction in shares is part of a plan to sell shares through a集中竞价 trading method, with the selling price to be determined by market conditions.</p><p>➂ Gree Electric Appliances and Zhuhai Ronglin first invested in Unigroup Weitang Technology in late 2018, contributing 3 billion yuan to help Weitang Technology acquire NXP Semiconductors. This investment has brought significant gains to both parties, with a combined holding value of nearly 220 billion yuan in 2020.</p>