08/21/2024, 06:45 PM UTC
陈文新教授开发全球首个工业标准MOSFET模型及堆叠CFET技术,联合创立和投资20余家公司Prof. Chen Wenxin Develops First Industrial Standard MOSFET Model and Stacked CFET Technology, Co-founds and Invests in Over 20 Companies
➀ 陈文新教授开发了世界上第一个工业标准MOSFET和SOI MOSFET模型,被多家领先半导体公司采用。➁ 领导开发了堆叠CFET技术,作为扩展CMOS技术至2nm节点的解决方案。➂ 专注于推进二维半导体材料和纳米CMOS技术,解决材料质量和集成方面的挑战。➃ 强调学术研究应优先探索未知领域,以实现长期的技术领导地位。➄ 联合创立并投资了20余家科技公司,重点关注团队实力和市场就绪产品。➀ Prof. Chen Wenxin developed the world's first industrial standard MOSFET and SOI MOSFET models, adopted by leading semiconductor companies. ➁ Led the development of stacked CFET technology, a solution for extending CMOS scaling to 2nm nodes. ➂ Focused on advancing 2D semiconductor materials and nanoscale CMOS technologies, addressing challenges in material quality and integration. ➃ Emphasized the importance of exploring unknown areas in academic research for long-term technological leadership. ➄ Co-founded and invested in over 20 tech companies, with a focus on strong teams and market-ready products.