08/16/2024, 11:58 AM UTC
内卷和出海:防止地震式恶性竞争,内卷要适当Involution and Going Global: Preventing Earthquake-like恶性Competition, Involution Should Be Moderate
➀ 中国半导体行业协会执行秘书长强调了避免破坏性竞争和促进半导体行业健康竞争的重要性。➁ 他指出半导体行业上半年销售额达到5596.5亿元,同比增长14.9%。➂ 协会正在推动高质量的开放合作和半导体企业的国际化,呼吁关注差异化和对当地市场的整合。➀ The executive secretary-general of the China Semiconductor Industry Association emphasized the importance of avoiding destructive competition and promoting healthy competition in the semiconductor industry. ➁ He highlighted the growth in the semiconductor industry, with sales reaching 5596.5 billion yuan in the first half of the year, an increase of 14.9%. ➂ The association is working to facilitate high-quality open cooperation and internationalization of Chinese semiconductor companies, urging for a focus on differentiation and local integration.