12/20/2024, 01:32 PM UTC
一笔投资亏损近千亿,今年最惨流血上市A Nearly 100 Billion Yuan Investment Loss: The Most Disastrous Listing of the Year
➀ 铠侠,一家知名的NAND闪存巨头,确定了发行价,于12月18日在东京证券交易所上市。IPO价格为每股1455日元,对应公司估值为7840亿日元。
➁ 铠侠原为东芝的半导体存储部门。由于债务缠身,2018年东芝被迫将铠侠分拆出售。这笔交易当时引发了激烈的争夺。西部数据、KKR等组成联盟原本已非常接近以174亿美元的价格拿下,但最后时刻被由贝恩资本牵头的联合财团以182亿美元的价格成功截胡。
➂ 然而,现在看来,铠侠可能成为日本私募股权最惨痛的失败之一。2018年的收购价格为2万亿日元,此次上市的估值缩水了61%。
➀ Kioxia, a renowned NAND flash giant, has determined its IPO price and listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange on December 18th, with an IPO price of 1455 yen per share and a company valuation of 7840 billion yen.
➁ Kioxia, originally a semiconductor storage division of Toshiba, was forced to be split and sold in 2018 due to debt. The transaction sparked fierce competition, and a consortium led by Bain Capital outbid a group led by Western Digital at the last moment with a bid of 182 billion US dollars.
➂ However, it now appears that Kioxia will become one of the most painful failures in private equity in Japan. The acquisition price in 2018 was 2 trillion yen, and the valuation at the time of listing has shrunk by 61%.