02/06/2025, 10:04 AM UTC
安谋科技人事巨震!CEO换人Arm China's CEO Resigns, New Leader Appointed Amidst Turmoil
➀ 安谋科技的中国合资公司——安谋科技,已任命瑞芯微前副总经理陈锋为新任CEO。
➁ 前联席CEO刘仁辰和陈恂已卸任,但在2月底前将继续担任公司顾问,协助工作交接。
➂ 陈锋于2023年1月22日从瑞芯微辞职,因个人原因。
➃ 刘仁辰和陈恂自2022年4月被任命为联席CEO以来,还担任了其他多个职位。
➄ 陈锋的任命可能标志着安谋科技动荡时期的结束,并帮助公司适应不断变化的市场环境。
➀ Arm China's joint venture, Unigroup AMLOGIC, has appointed Chen Feng, former Deputy General Manager of Rockchip, as its new CEO.
➁ The previous co-CEOs, Liu Renchen and Chen Xun, have stepped down but will remain as advisors until the end of February to assist with the transition.
➂ Chen Feng resigned from Rockchip on January 22, 2023, due to personal reasons.
➃ Liu Renchen and Chen Xun, who were appointed as co-CEOs in April 2022, have held multiple positions outside of Arm China.
➄ The appointment of Chen Feng may mark the end of Arm China's turbulent period and help the company adapt to the changing market environment.