10/19/2024, 11:35 AM UTC
铠侠的困境:半导体巨头的兴衰之路Kioxia's Struggles: The Rise and Fall of a Semiconductor Giant
<p>➀ 日本NAND Flash主要厂商铠侠决定推迟原定于10月的IPO计划,原因是投资者要求降低估值。</p><p>➁ 铠侠的母公司贝恩资本希望通过此次IPO回收投资并为公司注入新资金。</p><p>➂ 仅仅三年,铠侠的市场价值就从峰值300亿美元降至约50亿美元。</p><p>➀ Kioxia, a major Japanese NAND Flash manufacturer, has postponed its IPO plan due to investor demands for lower valuation.</p><p>➁ Kioxia's parent company, Bain Capital, aimed to use the IPO to recoup investments and inject new capital into the company.</p><p>➂ The company's market value has dropped significantly from its peak of $30 billion to around $5 billion in just three years.</p>