11/23/2024, 12:51 PM UTC
震惊!美欲将200+中芯企拉入黑名单US Plans to Blacklist Over 200 Chinese Chip Firms
<p>➀ 美国计划下周公布新出口限制,可能将200多家中国芯片企业列入黑名单;</p><p>➁ 这些限制将禁止大多数美国供应商向目标企业发货;</p><p>➂ 拜登政府持续加强对华半导体出口管制。</p><p>➀ The US plans to announce new export restrictions next week, potentially blacklisting over 200 Chinese chip companies;</p><p>➁ These restrictions would prohibit most US suppliers from shipping goods to the targeted firms;</p><p>➂ The Biden administration continues to tighten semiconductor export controls to China.</p>