02/09/2025, 10:15 AM UTC
台积电断供大陆16/14nm工艺芯片的五点思考Five Thoughts on TSMC's Cutting Off 16/14nm Process Chip Supplies to Mainland China
➀ 根据公布的名单,获批的IC设计公司和获得封测厂主要是欧美以及我国台湾企业,这基本就是明确地要技术脱钩了!所以不要再幻想特朗普登台以后会将拜登的政策有所改变,要完全放弃幻想,必须构建完整自主的本土电子信息产业链。
➁ 美国要求敏感的芯片必须外包,必须用其指定的封测企业,说明封测方面也成为美国下一个要打压的技术点,我们不但要大力提升晶圆制造能力,更要提升封测能力,确保设计、制造、封测三驾马车能一起前行,在此次断供事件中,芯片设计企业需要与封装测试企业、晶圆制造企业等密切合作,共同应对挑战。未来,应加强产业链上下游企业之间的合作,形成产业联盟,共同推动芯片产业的发展。
➂ “16nm/14nm节点”以上的节点未来会安全吗?比如20nm,28nm工艺,我认为只要我们形成了的完整自主产业链,这些节点不用担心断供 。
➃ 我们还是需要尽快现“16nm/14nm节点”工艺的足量供应,否则会影响到很多产品的升级。
➄ 短期内聚焦28nm及以上成熟制程的技术优化和产能扩充(如中芯国际、华虹半导体),同时向特色工艺(如车规芯片、第三代半导体)突破。中长期通过先进封装突破如通过Chiplet、3D堆叠等技术,用成熟制程+封装创新实现系统级芯片性能提升,降低对先进制程的依赖。此外,加速新材料与新架构的研发,如加速第三代半导体(SiC/GaN)、存算一体芯片、硅光芯片等新兴领域布局,实现换道超车。
➀ The approved IC design companies and semiconductor packaging and testing companies are mainly from Europe, the United States, and Taiwan, indicating a clear intention to decouple technology. It is necessary to build a complete and independent domestic electronic information industry chain.
➁ The requirement for sensitive chip outsourcing and the use of designated packaging and testing companies show that packaging and testing will be the next target of US suppression. It is necessary to enhance wafer manufacturing and packaging and testing capabilities, ensuring close cooperation among design, manufacturing, and packaging and testing companies.
➂ The safety of nodes above 16/14nm, such as 20nm and 28nm, will not be a concern as long as a complete and independent industry chain is formed.
➃ It is necessary to ensure the sufficient supply of 16/14nm process technology as soon as possible to avoid affecting the upgrade of many products.
➄ Short-term focus on technology optimization and capacity expansion of mature processes such as 28nm, and medium to long-term breakthroughs in special processes such as automotive chips and the third generation of semiconductor. In addition, accelerate the research and development of new materials and new architectures, such as SiC/GaN, computing-in-memory chips, and silicon photonics chips.