10/26/2024, 09:28 AM UTC
索尼图像传感器份额居首,中国或影响未来走向Sony Leads Image Sensor Market Share, China's Influence on Future Trends
<p>➀ 索尼集团在智能手机摄像头等配备的CMOS图像传感器的市场份额达到52.5%,与三星的差距扩大至37个百分点。</p><p>➁ 2023年全球图像传感器出货额为185.89亿美元,较2022年减少1.4%。</p><p>➂ 中国政府鼓励国内手机制造商采用国产图像传感器,可能影响未来市场份额的变化。</p><p>➀ Sony holds over 52.5% of the market share in CMOS image sensors for smartphone cameras, widening the gap with Samsung to 37 percentage points.</p><p>➁ The global shipment of image sensors in 2023 was $18.589 billion, a 1.4% decrease from 2022.</p><p>➂ China's encouragement for domestic image sensors could impact future market share changes.</p>
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