10/31/2024, 08:01 PM UTC
任正非与ICPC主席、教练及获奖选手座谈会纪要Huawei Founder Ren Zhengfei Meets ICPC President, Coaches, and Award-Winning Candidates
<p>➀ 华为创始人任正非与ICPC主席、教练及获奖选手会面,讨论年轻人才的重要性以及技术在社会发展中的作用。</p><p>➁ 任强调全球合作和年轻人之间思想交流的必要性,以促进创新和解决社会挑战。</p><p>➂ 他分享了华为的全球战略,强调开放创新与国际合作伙伴合作的重要性。</p><p>➀ Huawei Founder Ren Zhengfei meets with the ICPC President, coaches, and award-winning candidates to discuss the importance of young talent and the role of technology in social development.</p><p>➁ Ren emphasizes the need for global collaboration and the exchange of ideas among young people to foster innovation and solve societal challenges.</p><p>➂ He shares insights on Huawei's global strategy, emphasizing the importance of open innovation and collaboration with international partners.</p>