08/16/2024, 06:34 AM UTC
从医出身,跨行新材料二十年,培育出一家比肩国际巨头的上市公司From Medicine to Materials: A Journey to Global Competitiveness
➀ 李上奎,一位从医学转向企业家的创业者,创立了江西悦安新材料公司,开发了使用羰基铁技术的超细铁粉。➁ 公司的产品在电子、汽车和国防领域有重要应用,挑战了该领域的国际巨头。➂ 悦安新材料通过多元化产品组合和专注于高价值应用,如合成金刚石和软磁材料,成功应对了市场变化。➀ Li Shangkui, a medical professional turned entrepreneur, founded Jiangxi Yue'an New Materials, a company that has developed ultra-fine iron powder using carbonyl iron technology. ➁ The company's products have significant applications in electronics, automotive, and defense sectors, challenging international giants in the field. ➂ Yue'an New Materials has successfully navigated market shifts by diversifying its product portfolio and focusing on high-value applications, such as synthetic diamonds and soft magnetic materials.