10/15/2024, 08:05 PM UTC
突发!紫光国微董事长、副董事长辞职!Sudden Resignation of Chairman and Vice Chairman of Unigroup Guowei Microelectronics!
<p>➀ 紫光国微董事长马道杰、副董事长谢文刚突然辞职。</p><p>➁ 马道杰辞去董事长和提名委员会成员职务后,将继续担任公司董事。</p><p>➂ 谢文刚辞去董事长职务后,将继续担任公司董事和总裁。</p><p>➃ 陈杰被选为公司新的董事长。</p><p>➄ 马道杰被选为公司新的副董事长。</p><p>➀ The Chairman and Vice Chairman of Unigroup Guowei Microelectronics, Ma Daojie and Xie Wengang, have resigned from their positions.</p><p>➁ Ma Daojie will continue as a director of the company after resigning from the position of Chairman and Committee Member of Nomination.</p><p>➂ Xie Wengang will continue as a director and President of the company after resigning from the position of Vice Chairman.</p><p>➃ Chen Jie has been elected as the new Chairman of the company.</p><p>➄ Ma Daojie has been elected as the new Vice Chairman of the company.</p>