10/17/2024, 09:59 PM UTC
比光刻机更精密的组织:台积电的权力和帝国The Precision Beyond Photolithography: TSMC's Power and Empire
<p>➀ 2003年,台积电研发部门的核心成员因在“0.13微米铜制程”之战中的卓越贡献而获奖;</p><p>➁ 台积电内部的权力斗争以及关键人物如梁孟松的起伏;</p><p>➂ 台积电的人才培养体系以及公司的内部权力结构;</p><p>➃ 台积电对台湾经济的影响以及其独特的“正黄旗”招聘模式;</p><p>➄ 台积电在全球半导体行业面临的挑战和机遇。</p><p>➀ The six core members of TSMC's R&D department were awarded for their achievements in the '0.13 micron copper process' war in 2003;</p><p>➁ TSMC's power struggle and the rise and fall of key figures like Liang孟松;</p><p>➂ TSMC's talent cultivation system and the internal power structure of the company;</p><p>➃ TSMC's influence on Taiwan's economy and its unique 'Zheng Huangqi' recruitment model;</p><p>➄ The challenges and opportunities facing TSMC in the global semiconductor industry.</p>