10/10/2024, 12:04 PM UTC
35年数字化全“芯”之旅,西门子EDA开启新章35 Years of Digital 'Core' Journey, Siemens EDA Opens a New Chapter
➀ 半导体产业的发展史就是一部微型化、集成化和智能化的史诗,EDA工具在每个技术飞跃中发挥着关键作用;➁ 西门子EDA作为首家进入中国市场的EDA企业,已经稳健成长了35年,支持了中国半导体行业的快速发展;➂ 西门子EDA提供从芯片设计、验证、制造到封装的全面解决方案,具有AI驱动工具和硬件辅助验证平台等关键特性;➃ 西门子EDA致力于构建一个开放、安全的AI生态系统,专注于开发高度定制化和可扩展的AI工具;➄ 西门子EDA通过提供EDA工具和数字孪生技术,推动智能汽车的发展,应对系统扩展、功能安全和可靠性等挑战。➀ The development of the semiconductor industry is a history of miniaturization, integration, and intelligence, with EDA tools playing a crucial role in each technological leap;➁ Siemens EDA, as the first EDA company to enter China, has grown steadily for 35 years, supporting the rapid development of China's semiconductor industry; ➂ Siemens EDA offers a comprehensive solution for chip design, verification, manufacturing, and packaging, with key features such as AI-driven tools and hardware-assisted verification platforms; ➃ Siemens EDA is committed to building an open and secure AI ecosystem, focusing on developing highly customizable and scalable AI tools; ➄ Siemens EDA is driving the development of intelligent vehicles by providing EDA tools and digital twin technology, addressing challenges in system expansion, functional safety, and reliability.