12/02/2024, 07:26 PM UTC
威世电子投资5100万英镑升级威尔士半导体工厂,助力当地经济发展Vishay Intertechnology Invests £51 Million in Newport Semiconductor Plant, Boosting Welsh Economy
➀ 威世电子投资5100万英镑升级其位于威尔士的Newport半导体工厂;➁ 此投资得到威尔士政府提供的500万英镑补助;➂ 预计此举将促进威尔士经济发展。➀ Vishay Intertechnology invests £51 million in its Newport Semiconductor plant; ➁ The investment is supported by a £5 million grant from the Welsh Government; ➂ The move is expected to boost the Welsh economy.