12/08/2024, 11:43 AM UTC
0.7nm时代即将来临:imec和Intel分享路线图0.7nm Era Approaching: Imec and Intel Share Roadmap
<p>➀ 英特尔、台积电和三星正在将工艺推进至1.8nm(18A)和1.6nm(16A),采用全栅极晶体管(英特尔称之为RibbonFET),并进一步推进至14A节点。</p><p>➁ imec正在研究工艺路线图上下一代互补场效应晶体管(CFET)堆叠晶体管。</p><p>➂ imec将在2024年IEEE国际电子设备会议(IEDM)上展示其CFET标准单元,包含两行CFET,中间有一个共享信号布线墙,显著减少了逻辑和SRAM单元面积。</p><p>➃ 英特尔在2D晶体管技术方面取得了突破,使用了超硅材料、芯片互连和封装技术。</p><p>➄ 英特尔的RibbonFET是自FinFET问世13年以来英特尔的首款新型晶体管设计,是公司首款全栅(GAA)晶体管。</p><p>➀ Intel, TSMC, and Samsung are advancing their processes to 1.8nm (18A) and 1.6nm (16A) with full-gate transistors (Intel calls them RibbonFET) and further to the 14A node.</p><p>➁ Imec is researching the next-generation complementary field-effect transistor (CFET) stacked transistors on the process roadmap.</p><p>➂ Imec will showcase its CFET standard cell at the 2024 IEEE International Electronic Devices Meeting (IEDM) this week, which includes two rows of CFET with a shared signal wiring wall, reducing the area of logic and SRAM units significantly.</p><p>➃ Intel has made breakthroughs in 2D transistor technology using beyond-silicon materials, chip interconnects, and packaging technologies.</p><p>➄ Intel's RibbonFET is the company's first new transistor design since the introduction of FinFET 13 years ago and is the company's first full-gate (GAA) transistor.</p>