12/09/2024, 06:38 PM UTC
本土毫米波新品来了!正和微芯发布新一代4uA 24G毫米波传感SoC芯片Native Millimeter Wave New Product Launched: Zhenghe Weixin Releases New Generation 4uA 24G Millimeter Wave Sensing SoC Chip
<p>➀ 随着技术的进步,毫米波雷达的探测精度、可靠性、抗干扰能力等性能在显著提升,这将使其在智能家居中的应用更加广泛。</p><p>➁ 全球毫米波雷达市场规模持续扩大,预计到2024年将超过500亿元,中国市场规模也已突破百亿元,并有望继续扩大。</p><p>➂ 珠海正和微芯科技有限公司(以下简称“正和微芯”)近日宣布推出其最新研发的超低功耗24G毫米波传感SoC芯片RS2111,标志着公司在毫米波传感领域的又一次重大飞跃。</p><p>➃ RS2111芯片以其业界独创的系统架构、高性能的感知算法和先进CMOS工艺,实现了令人惊叹的4uA超低功耗,在业界率先突破了“与PIR(热释电红外传感器)同等功耗”这个极具挑战的技术难题,同时保持了毫米波传感器的卓越性能。</p><p>➄ 基于RS2111芯片,正和微芯同时推出了Mini尺寸的AoB天线封装的MRS26x系列毫米波传感器模组。MRS26x系列传感器是同类产品中最小的尺寸(8x12mm²),相当于Type-C接口大小,非常适合安装在各种小型电子设备内部。</p><p>➅ MRS26x系列毫米波传感器不仅尺寸迷你,性能也同样出色。它能够实现8米范围内的人体移动、微动和存在感知,并且自带的低功耗抗干扰算法能够适应室内和室外的复杂场景。</p><p>➆ 使用MRS26x系列毫米波传感器非常简单,即插即用,正和微芯提供全套免开发工具,通过参数和场景配置可以实现客户不同产品需求的快速二次开发。</p><p>➀ The performance of millimeter wave radar, including detection accuracy, reliability, and anti-interference capability, has significantly improved with technological advancements, making its application in smart homes more widespread.</p><p>➁ The global millimeter wave radar market is expanding continuously, with a market size expected to exceed 50 billion yuan by 2024, and the Chinese market has already exceeded 10 billion yuan, with further expansion expected.</p><p>➂ Zhuhai Zhenghe Weixin Technology Co., Ltd. (ZHWX) has announced the launch of its new ultra-low-power 24G millimeter wave sensing SoC chip RS2111, marking a major breakthrough in the field of millimeter wave sensing.</p><p>➃ The RS2111 chip achieves an astonishing 4uA ultra-low-power consumption, breaking the technical challenge of being comparable in power consumption to PIR sensors while maintaining excellent millimeter wave sensing performance.</p><p>➄ The MRS26x series sensors, based on the RS2111 chip, are the smallest in their class (8x12mm²) and are suitable for installation in various small electronic devices.</p><p>➅ The sensors can detect human movement, micro-motion, and presence within a range of 8 meters and have built-in low-power anti-interference algorithms to adapt to complex indoor and outdoor environments.</p><p>➆ The sensors are easy to use with zero coding and can be quickly developed for different product needs.</p>