02/12/2025, 04:04 AM UTC
MCU大厂,日子不好过Major MCU Manufacturers Struggling
➀ 2020-2022年,在“缺芯危机”的大背景下,MCU市场迅速扩张,各大厂商赚得盆满钵满。
➁ 然而,市场随后面临“降本、清库存、国产化”等挑战。
➂ 微芯科技、意法半导体、恩智浦等主要MCU制造商报告了收入和利润下降,反映出艰难的市场环境。
➃ 这些公司正在调整策略,专注于技术创新,寻求新的增长点以克服当前困难。
➀ In the backdrop of the "chip shortage" crisis from 2020-2022, the MCU market experienced rapid expansion, leading to profits for major manufacturers.
➁ However, the market has since faced challenges such as "cost reduction, inventory management, and localization".
➂ Major MCU manufacturers like Microchip, STMicroelectronics, and NXP have reported declining revenues and profits, reflecting a tough market environment.
➃ These companies are adjusting strategies, focusing on technology innovation, and seeking new growth points to overcome the current difficulties.