10/08/2024, 10:25 AM UTC
非夕科技:四位斯坦福博士如何通过通用机器人改变机器人技术How NonXie Technology's Four Stanford PhDs Are Revolutionizing Robotics with Universal Robots
➀ 非夕科技由四位斯坦福博士创立,专注于集成了高级力控和AI技术的自适应机器人;➁ 他们的机器人能够适应各种任务,如精密装配、抛光和食品加工,重点在于类人的手眼协调能力;➂ 公司年销售额增长三倍,获得了知名投资者的重大资金支持和支持;➃ 团队采用‘分层智能’框架,侧重于基于传感器的控制和最高级别的AI决策。➀ NonXie Technology, founded by four Stanford PhDs, specializes in adaptive robots with advanced force control and AI technology; ➁ Their robots can adapt to various tasks like precision assembly, polishing, and food processing, with a focus on human-like hand-eye coordination; ➂ The company has seen a threefold increase in sales growth annually and has received significant funding and support from well-known investors; ➃ The team's approach involves a 'hierarchical intelligence' framework, with a focus on sensor-based control and AI decision-making at the highest level.