02/27/2025, 04:59 AM UTC
国产服务器CPU厂商爆雷:董事长被限制消费Chinese Server CPU Manufacturer Hits the Rocks: Chairman's Consumption Limited
➀ 苏州市虎丘区人民法院对国产服务器CPU创业公司合芯科技法人代表暨董事长姚克俭发出限制消费令,禁止其实施高消费及非生活和工作必需的消费行为。
➁ 合芯科技此前被曝拖欠员工薪资半年之久、公司几乎停摆、超过500名员工集体通过劳动仲裁维权,姚克俭目前已失联。
➂ 姚克俭为合芯科技及法定代表人,公司曾被视为中国自主研发Power系列CPU的希望。
➀ The Suzhou Intermediate People's Court issued a consumption restriction order against the legal representative and chairman of Chinese server CPU startup Heyin Technology, Yao Kejian, prohibiting him from engaging in high-consumption and non-essential consumption for life and work.
➁ Heyin Technology was previously exposed for delaying employee salaries for half a year, nearly shutting down, and over 500 employees seeking labor arbitration rights.
➂ Yao Kejian has been reported to be missing.