08/31/2024, 10:09 AM UTC
神坛!Wolfspeed的大起大落:碳化硅产业的动荡故事The Rise and Fall of Wolfspeed: A Tale of SiC Industry Turbulence
➀ Wolfspeed,碳化硅行业的领军企业,面临市场份额流失、财务亏损和股价大幅下跌的严峻挑战。➁ 公司对8英寸碳化硅晶圆生产的重金投资导致成本高昂和盈利能力低下。➂ 在激烈竞争和市场饱和的情况下,Wolfspeed正在考虑削减成本措施,如关闭工厂和寻求战略合作伙伴,以恢复市场地位。➀ Wolfspeed, a leading player in the SiC industry, has faced significant challenges including market share loss, financial losses, and a drastic drop in stock value. ➁ The company's strategy of heavy investment in 8-inch SiC wafer production has led to high costs and low profitability. ➂ Amidst intense competition and market saturation, Wolfspeed is considering cost-cutting measures such as factory closures and strategic partnerships to regain market position.
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