11/21/2024, 09:55 AM UTC
<p>➀ 台积电创始人张忠谋揭示了其接班人培养的内幕,刘德音拒绝接管仅有数十人的部门,而魏哲家却欣然接受。</p><p>➁ 张忠谋2005年退休后,继任者蔡力行带领下的台积电表现不佳,张忠谋在2009年回归后扭转了局势。</p><p>➂ 张忠谋回归后提升了技术、员工士气,并改变了台积电的市场地位。</p><p>➀ TSMC founder Morris Chang revealed the details of his successor training, where Liu Deren refused to take over a department with only a few dozen employees, and Wei Zhejia accepted it with enthusiasm.</p><p>➁ Chang's retirement in 2005 was followed by a failed transition, and TSMC's performance declined under the leadership of his successor, Tsai Li-hsiung.</p><p>➂ Chang returned to TSMC in 2009 to turn around the company, improving technology and workforce morale, and transforming the company's market position.</p>