09/10/2024, 12:09 PM UTC
车载SoC芯片行业竞争格局(智能座舱篇)Automotive SoC Chip Industry Competition Landscape (Intelligent Cabin Edition)
➀ 智能座舱的配置水平已成为消费者购车的重要参考指标之一。文章讨论了智能座舱对硬件资源和计算能力的需求不断增加,这些需求由高性能SoC芯片满足。2023年,国内市场交付了347.6万套座舱域控制器,安装率为16.5%。外资芯片品牌仍占据主导地位,其中高通一家市场占比已接近60%。➁ 消费电子芯片制造商在智能座舱SoC市场上具有成本和迭代速度优势。➂ 智能座舱SoC芯片的市场份额集中在几家海外芯片公司手中,包括高通、AMD、瑞萨、英特尔和三星。目前,国产座舱SoC芯片的市场份额不高,不足10%,主要原因是国内制造商起步较晚。➀ The configuration level of intelligent cabins has become an important reference for consumers when buying cars. The article discusses the increasing hardware resource and computing power requirements of intelligent cabins, which are met by high-performance SoC chips. In 2023, the domestic market delivered 3.476 million sets of cabin domain controllers, with an installation rate of 16.5%. Foreign chip brands still dominate the market, with Qualcomm alone accounting for nearly 60% of the market share. ➁ Consumer electronics chip manufacturers have an advantage in the intelligent cabin SoC market due to their cost and iteration speed advantages. ➂ The market share of intelligent cabin SoC chips is concentrated in a few overseas chip companies, including Qualcomm, AMD, Renesas, Intel, and Samsung. Currently, the market share of domestic cabin SoC chips is not high, accounting for less than 10%, mainly due to the late start of domestic manufacturers.