01/23/2025, 08:12 AM UTC
奥金斯将向三星供应芯片测试插座Okins to supply chip test sockets to Samsung
➀ 奥金斯电子于周三宣布,将向三星供应超过400,000个半导体测试插座,总价值为665亿韩元(约占公司2023年收入的11.7%)。
➁ 奥金斯电子的一位发言人表示,这些插座中的大多数将用于三星的生产流程中。
➂ 这份合同凸显了奥金斯电子与三星在半导体行业的紧密合作关系。
➀ Okins Electronics announced on Wednesday that it will supply Samsung with over 400,000 units of semiconductor test sockets, valued at 6.65 billion won (approximately 11.7% of the company's revenue in 2023).
➁ A spokesperson for Okins Electronics stated that the majority of these sockets will be used for Samsung's production processes.
➂ This contract highlights the strong partnership between Okins Electronics and Samsung in the semiconductor industry.