10/10/2024, 06:27 PM UTC
时隔七年索尼再出新款车用CMOS,有卖点也有槽点Sony Introduces New Automotive CMOS After Seven Years: Pros and Cons
➀ 索尼宣布推出ISX038汽车摄像头用CMOS图像传感器,传感器尺寸为1/1.7英寸,有效像素约为839万。这是业界首款能够同时处理和输出RAW和YUV图像的传感器。该传感器采用堆叠结构,具有索尼SSS ISP,能够提供对车外环境的高精度检测和识别能力。然而,产品的价格昂贵引发了争议。➁ 索尼产品的价格为15000日元(约100美元),这比中国制造商同类产品的价格至少高出一倍。➂ 随着智能驾驶的兴起,汽车摄像头市场需求持续增长。中国新能源汽车产销量遥遥领先,本土CMOS供应商也应运而生。➀ Sony announced the release of the ISX038 CMOS image sensor for automotive cameras, with a 1/1.7-inch sensor size and approximately 8.39 million effective pixels. The sensor is the first in the industry to handle and output both RAW and YUV images simultaneously. It features a stack structure with a pixel chip and a logic chip with Sony's SSS ISP, providing high-precision detection and recognition capabilities for the environment outside the vehicle. However, the high price of the product has sparked controversy. ➁ Sony's product is priced at 15,000 yen (about $100), which is at least twice as high as the price of similar products from Chinese manufacturers. ➃ The market for automotive cameras is growing due to the rise of intelligent driving, with China leading in the production and sales of new energy vehicles. Chinese CMOS suppliers are also emerging as a result.