08/15/2024, 07:27 AM UTC
三星展示122.88TB的企业级QLC固态盘BM1743,容量属业内之最Samsung Unveils 122.88TB Enterprise QLC SSD BM1743, Setting Industry Capacity Record
➀ 三星展示了BM1743,一款122.88TB的企业级QLC SSD,声称它是业内最大的固态盘之一。➁ BM1743在性能上比前代产品有显著提升,I/O性能提高了4.1倍,顺序写入的功耗效率提高了45%。➂ 它具有7.5 GB/s的顺序读取速度和3 GB/s的写入速度,随机读取和写入速度分别达到160万IOPS和4.5万IOPS。➃ 三星还展示了面向主流数据中心市场的PM9D3a Gen 5 SSD,读取和写入速度分别高达12 GB/s和6.8 GB/s,以及旗舰企业级SSD PM1753,支持16通道NAND,最高容量可达32 TB。➀ Samsung showcased the BM1743, a 122.88TB enterprise QLC SSD, claiming it as one of the largest in the industry. ➁ The BM1743 offers significant performance improvements over its predecessors, with a 4.1x increase in I/O performance and a 45% enhancement in sequential write power efficiency. ➂ It boasts a sequential read speed of 7.5 GB/s and a write speed of 3 GB/s, with random read and write speeds reaching 1.6 million IOPS and 45,000 IOPS respectively. ➃ Samsung also demonstrated the PM9D3a Gen 5 SSD, targeting mainstream data center markets with up to 12 GB/s read and 6.8 GB/s write speeds, and the PM1753, a flagship enterprise SSD with 16-channel NAND, supporting up to 32 TB capacity.