10/17/2024, 11:23 AM UTC
ASML下滑:行业分化和中国支出风险下的不足为奇ASML's Downturn: Not a Surprise Amidst Industry Bifurcation and China's Spending Risk
<p>➀ 投资者开始意识到复苏周期不如股票所显示的那么强劲。</p><p>➁ 人工智能与行业其他部分的行业分化持续存在。</p><p>➂ 中国的支出风险/负担现在正在影响市场。</p><p>➃ ASML的订单下降表明半导体行业的复苏将更加缓慢。</p><p>➄ 人工智能领域仍然强劲,而大多数芯片行业仍然疲弱。</p><p>➅ 许多投资者错误地将人工智能的成功视为整个芯片市场的指标。</p><p>➆ 芯片行业正在分化为人工智能和非人工智能领域。</p><p>➇ 中国的支出是不可持续的,可能导致制裁。</p><p>➈ 芯片设备行业可能会跟随ASML的下降趋势。</p><p>➉ 投资者在芯片股票投资中应更加谨慎。</p><p>➀ Investors are realizing the upcycle isn't as strong as stocks indicate.</p><p>➁ Industry bifurcation between AI and the rest of the industry continues.</p><p>➂ China's spending risk/overhang is now impacting the market.</p><p>➃ ASML's order decline indicates a more gradual recovery in the semiconductor industry.</p><p>➄ The AI sector remains strong while the majority of the chip industry is weak.</p><p>➅ Many investors mistakenly take AI's success as an indicator of the entire chip market.</p><p>➆ The chip industry is bifurcating into AI and non-AI sectors.</p><p>➇ China's spending is unsustainable and could lead to sanctions.</p><p>➈ The chip equipment industry is likely to follow ASML's downward trend.</p><p>➉ Investors should be more selective in chip stock investments.</p>