10/16/2024, 07:28 AM UTC
关于鼓励参加第五届中国MEMS制造大会的通知Fifth China MEMS Manufacturing Conference: An Invitation to Attend
<p>➀ 中国MEMS制造大会是中国MEMS领域的年度行业盛会,已成功举办四届,累计邀请包括蒋庄德院士在内的175位国内外知名学者和企业高管出席分享报告,参会嘉宾超过2200人。</p><p>➁ 第五届中国MEMS制造大会将于2024年10月23-25日在苏州国际博览中心举办,聚焦MEMS代工和制造等前沿领域。</p><p>➂ 会议将设有一个主会场以及车规芯片、光电材料、半导体装备三场细分技术会场,共有60位行业专家参加,包括国际MEMS巨头和国内MEMS行业的精英力量。</p><p>➀ The China MEMS Manufacturing Conference is an annual industry event in China's MEMS field, having successfully hosted four editions with over 2200 attendees and 175 speakers including academician Jiang Zhuangde.</p><p>➁ The fifth conference will be held from October 23-25, 2024, at the Suzhou International Expo Center, focusing on MEMS foundry and manufacturing.</p><p>➂ The conference will feature a main venue and three technical forums on automotive chips, optoelectronic materials, and semiconductor equipment. It will bring together 60 industry experts from international giants like SEMI&MSIG, Bosch Sensortec, STMicroelectronics, TDK, Analog Devices, EVG, and AFE, as well as domestic leaders such as CETC, CETC Group, CCID Consulting, Sun芯微电子, Naxin Microelectronics, Goertek Microelectronics, Xiamen Yun Tian, and Jingfang Semiconductor.</p>