10/16/2024, 08:34 AM UTC
AI界顶级流捧场!黄仁勋苏姿丰都来了,联想亮AI Now智能体大招,连甩10多个重磅AI产品Top AI Stars Gather at Lenovo's Event: Huang Renxun and Su Zifeng in Attendance, Unveiling Over 10 New AI Products
<p>➀ 联想创新科技大会2024展示了包括PC个人AI智能体、搭载英伟达新核弹Blackwell的液冷服务器在内的一系列AI产品。</p><p>➁ 联想正式发布了个人AI智能体AI Now,强调从个人计算向AI支持的个性化计算的转变。</p><p>➂ 联想与英特尔宣布建立x86生态系统咨询小组,突显AI在PC行业的重要性。</p><p>➃ 英伟达CEO黄仁勋和AMD CEO苏姿丰出席了活动,讨论了AI的未来及其对行业的影响。</p><p>➄ Meta CEO马克·扎克伯格和微软CEO萨蒂亚·纳德拉远程参会,强调了合作在AI发展中的重要性。</p><p>➅ 联想注重可持续性,通过如Neptune液冷解决方案等创新技术减少能源消耗。</p><p>➀ Lenovo's Innovation Technology Conference 2024 showcased a series of AI products, including PC AI agents, liquid-cooled servers with NVIDIA's new Blackwell, and a variety of AI smartphones, AI PCs, and AI servers.</p><p>➁ Lenovo's AI Now, a personal AI agent for PCs, was officially launched, emphasizing the transition from personal computing to AI-supported personalized computing.</p><p>➂ Lenovo and Intel announced a groundbreaking collaboration, forming an x86 ecosystem consulting group, highlighting the importance of AI in the PC industry.</p><p>➃ NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang and AMD CEO Su Zifeng also attended the event, discussing the future of AI and its impact on the industry.</p><p>➄ Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella participated remotely, emphasizing the importance of collaboration in AI development.</p><p>➅ Lenovo's focus on sustainability and reducing energy consumption through innovative technologies like the Neptune liquid cooling solution.</p>