09/01/2024, 09:53 AM UTC
模拟芯片:半导体行业的不甘落后Analog Chips: Rising Giants in the Semiconductor Industry
➀ 模拟芯片巨头德州仪器和ADI的市值达到历史新高,其中德州仪器超越英特尔。➁ 两家公司都有稳定的营收增长和强大的财务管理历史,尽管市场波动。➂ 2024年模拟芯片市场面临挑战,价格竞争激烈,复苏疲软,考验芯片制造商的韧性和策略。➀ Analog chip giants Texas Instruments and ADI have seen their market capitalization reach historic highs, with TI surpassing Intel. ➁ Both companies have a history of stable revenue growth and strong financial management, despite market fluctuations. ➂ The analog chip market is facing challenges in 2024, with intense price competition and weak recovery, testing the resilience and strategies of chip manufacturers.