09/04/2024, 04:30 PM UTC
基于树莓派构建的低成本水下通信调制解调器Affordable Underwater Communication Modems Built on Raspberry Pi
➀ 帕多瓦大学的研究人员正在开发低成本的水下通信调制解调器和换能器,旨在使水声通信更加普及。➁ SubSeaPulse调制解调器,价格仅为市场价格的十分之一,基于树莓派构建,并配备了声卡硬件和前端。➂ 该团队还在研发一种成本效益高的换能器,通过使用通常用于监听海洋哺乳动物的改良设备,将价格从2000美元以上降至约400美元。➀ Researchers at the University of Padova are developing low-cost underwater communication modems and transducers, aiming to make water acoustic communication more accessible. ➁ The SubSeaPulse modem, priced at a tenth of the market rate, is built on a Raspberry Pi base with additional sound card hardware and a front end. ➂ The team is also working on a cost-effective transducer, reducing the price from over $2000 to around $400, using a modified device typically used for listening to marine mammals.